[Oct. 2024] Our paper Advancing Weight and Channel Sparsification with Enhanced Saliency is accepted by WACV'2025
[May. 2024] We released our paper of Multi-Dimensional Pruning: Joint Channel, Layer and Block Pruning with Latency Constraint on Arxiv.
[May. 2024] I joined as a full time in the Applied AV Perception Research team at NVIDIA !
[Apr. 2024] I graduated from CS@Stanford with a Master of Science degree!
[Jan. 2024] Our paper Refining Pre-trained Motion Models is accepted by ICRA'2024.
[Oct. 2023] Our paper Towards Better Structured Pruning Saliency by Reorganizing Convolution is accepted by WACV'2024.
[Sept. 2023] Started TA for Stanford CS330.
[June. 2023] Returned to the AV perception research team at NVIDIA for another research internship!
[June. 2023] Our paper Revisiting Deformable Convolution for Depth Completion is accepted by IROS'2023!
[June 2023] My paper Pruning for Better Domain Generalizability is accepted by SCIS @ ICML'2023!
[Mar. 2023] Our paper Hardware-Aware Latency Pruning for Real-Time 3D Object Detection is accepted by IV'2023!
[Jan. 2023] Started TA for Stanford CS103 and joined Prof.Leo Guibas research lab!
[Sept. 2022] Started grad school program at Stanford!
[Apr. 2022] Accepted the grad offer from CS@Stanford!
[Mar. 2022] Received the Bronze Tablet Award for my graduation!
[Mar. 2022] Started a research internship at the AV perception research of NVIDIA!
[Mar. 2022] Our paper DiSparse: Disentangled Sparsification for Multitask Model Compression is accepted by CVPR'2022. My first first-author top conference paper!
[Dec. 2021] Graduated from ECE@ILLINOIS with a Bachelor of Science degree and a full GPA of 4.0 / 4.0 (Rank No.1)!